(903) 871-3450

Our Property

Stay Your Way: holistic care in East Texas

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We recognize that deep renewing of the mind and body requires time and room to breathe. Living Well is an oasis in the midst of the pressures of daily life. With 10 acres of gorgeous East Texas landscape to enjoy, a beautiful pool retreat, wooded areas, and a variety of indoor and outdoor seating areas, there is plenty of space to quiet the mind and engage the soul.

Living Well Patio
Living Well Property

“The Castle”

A unique property, the main building and a second garage were originally built to be the guest home for a young family with future plans to build more.  We realized that it could be a great place for Living Well. Affectionately called “the castle” by our team members, the buildings have been doing some “restoring” and “renewing” of their own.  The lower-level wellness spa houses a lovely relaxation room, reading nook, 3 massage therapy rooms and spaces for our infrared sauna, red light therapy, and NuCalm. The upper level is home to another cozy seating area,  full kitchen and nutrition office, and several therapeutic counseling offices.  Just behind the peaceful pool area sits the yoga studio. It is our hope that you feel cared for as a valued guest in every nook and cranny.